Posts Tagged ‘UScan’

Olympic Lineup: New UScan+ UF-Series Offers More Options for Microfilm Reader Printer Replacements

I didn’t realize the importance I placed on the Olympics until Pyeongchang 2018 began seeping into my subconscious thoughts far beyond prime time hours. When Crowley unveiled the latest model in the UScan+ microfilm reader printer replacement scanner series, the UScan+ HD LTE, I couldn’t help but compare the new lineup to a diversely-skilled Olympic team. Each model’s specific set of features propels the team (or series) toward the podium for best value in the microfilm reader printer class. Reader printers…

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It’s Been Quite A Week: Scanners, Trade Shows, Giveaways, Authors and Features

This has been one of those weeks where Monday felt like Thursday and today feels like…well…next week. It’s been a whirlwind. May I share what we’ve been up to so that you can enjoy the journey with us? Along the way you’ll find some terrific purchasing opportunities and a great read. Scanners UScan+ Universal Film Scanner Line Updated The popular UScan+ line of microfilm reader printers, winner of a 2018 Modern Library Award, has been updated with new models and…

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Life in the Fast (Scanning) Lane: Digitizing History Rapidly with the UScan+

If there is one thing you can say about Kenneth Shelton, it is that he is passionate about history . . . specifically, the history of his family’s hometown in South Carolina. This was remarkably clear to me when I first read about the volunteer scanning work Ken has been doing for the Fairfield County South Carolina Museum and Historical Society. We’re celebrating American Archives Month by sharing the story of Ken’s digitization efforts and dedication to preserving the past….

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Patron vs. Production Scanners: Which Type do You Need?

Our favorite kinds of blogs to write are those sparked by user feedback. Last week, we received an email from a client who had purchased Mekel Technology microfilm and microfiche scanners over 12 years ago and is now looking to purchase a new unit (a testament to the Mekels’ long life span; typical industry turnover is estimated at 3-5 years). He saw that we also offer the UScan+ Universal Film (UF) series scanner and wanted to know if that model…

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Never Miss a Book with Interlibrary Loan

We received an inquiry the other day that asked, “What is Interlibrary Loan? How are your scanners compatible?” What first appeared to be a short answer became lengthy (and interesting) enough to be blogworthy. What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)? According to the American Library Association, “Interlibrary loan (ILL) is the process by which a library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library [either via hard copy or digital file].” There are many different ILL applications including: Ariel®; Odyssey; ILLiad;…

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March is in Like a Lion…and Crowley Appreciates the Roar

Oscar worthy? You decide! March brings Crowley’s first professionally-produced video featuring the UScan+ Universal Film Scanner: Weather aside (because let’s face it, Mother Nature has worn that topic out this winter), Crowley’s month has started with a roar and we’d be quite happy if the proverbial lamb took an extended leave of absence so that the excitement can continue. Here’s what’s up: Konica Minolta Business Solutions, U.S.A., Inc. is a UScan+ Reseller True story. As of the first Monday in…

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Patron Scanners and Preservation – Part One

How today’s libraries are embracing technology for those walking in the door and those searching the internet As we head to Philadelphia for the annual ALA Mid-Winter Conference and Expo, it’s a great time to reflect on how libraries are enhancing their relevance and expanding their reach by embracing today’s technology. As a library vendor, we see two distinct trends taking place: the increase in patron (sometimes called “walk-up” or “on-demand”) systems found on the library floor and the growth…

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Introducing the USCAN+, the only Universal Scanner with USB3 Capability

The Crowley Company is very excited to introduce the UScan+ and its brand new Patron software package at next week’s American Library Association MidWinter Conference and Expo in Philadelphia, PA. The original UScan Universal Film (UF) scanner was released in June 2012 and was quickly embraced by end-users – particularly libraries – for its small footprint, affordable pricing and user simplicity. “This next generation is the result of customer feedback and their desire for additional features,” explains The Crowley Company…

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The Importance of Trade Shows

  Why The Crowley Company attends trade shows across the globe In 2013, The Crowley Company attended 16 trade shows across the globe, starting with CeBit in Hannover, Germany and ending with MARAC in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This year, we expect to attend or be represented at more than 25 international, national and regional events (see our 2014 schedule, which will be continuously updated throughout the year). Why does Crowley make this significant financial and manpower investment? In the micrographics and…

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Happy “Hanksgiving”

We had a recent visit from eight-week-old Hank, an English bulldog puppy, who belongs to our technical support admin, Cassie. While he was here, we put him to work as a product model. Below are highlights of Hank’s day at Crowley along with a list of our “Hanksgivings.” Happy Holiday, everyone!   1) Hank is so little he can barely support his weight, but he’s ready to start his workday. Where first?         2) The reception area….

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