Posts Tagged ‘Patron Scanners’

Innovating Tradition: Belmont University’s Special Collections Digitization

Belmont University Scans School and Alumni History using the Zeutschel OS C Book Scanner Established in 1890 in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, Belmont University began providing women with not just an education but a platform for cultural, intellectual and social development. In doing so, the university set what would become its legacy for innovation and embracing change. The university’s latest step towards technological innovation — the purchase of a Zeutschel OS C overhead book scanner — both advances the…

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Small Changes, Big Impact: Discover the Next Generation zeta Book Scanner

This week, Zeutschel – Crowley’s longtime distribution partner based in Tübingen, Germany – announced the next generation of the zeta walk-up book scanner. While the new zeta remains true to the original’s capture ability and ease-of-use, there are a several hardware and software advancements that will have a major impact on operation. In this week’s blog, we’ll give you the skinny on the zeta scanner enhancements, features and how to upgrade your existing unit (or buy a new one if you’ve been…

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Patron Scanners and Preservation – Part Two

How today’s libraries are embracing technology for those walking in the door and those searching the internet Last week, on the cusp of the annual American Library Association Mid-Winter Conference and Expo, we began a conversation about the relevance of libraries and their embrace of today’s technology. As a library vendor, we see two distinct trends taking place: the increase in patron scanners (sometimes called “walk-up” or “on-demand”) on the library floor and the growth of digital archives found online….

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Patron Scanners and Preservation – Part One

How today’s libraries are embracing technology for those walking in the door and those searching the internet As we head to Philadelphia for the annual ALA Mid-Winter Conference and Expo, it’s a great time to reflect on how libraries are enhancing their relevance and expanding their reach by embracing today’s technology. As a library vendor, we see two distinct trends taking place: the increase in patron (sometimes called “walk-up” or “on-demand”) systems found on the library floor and the growth…

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The Growing Use of Patron Scanners

Patron scanners, like the Zeutschel OS 12000 Bookcopy, the Zeutschel zeta and Wicks and Wilson UScan, are growing in popularity for many reasons. These scanners provide users an easy-to-operate walk-up experience – similar to that of a paper copier or microfilm reader/printer– but one that offers higher technology, lower maintenance, more features, media protection via gentle handling functionality and green benefits. Patron scanners, or “on-demand” scanners as they are called in the industry, are increasingly found in academic libraries, records/vital…

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