Archive for the ‘Digitization Services’ Category
Mount Vernon’s Digital Decade:
10 Years of Scanning Projects with The Crowley Company
Nearly 10 years after The Crowley Company’s (Crowley) original blog on digitizing collections with George Washington’s Mount Vernon, the two institutions continue to share the legacy of George and Martha through digital preservation. Since then, Crowley has assisted in six Mount Vernon scanning projects (producing over 20,000+ digital images). While the materials have changed and the technology has advanced, the process and partnership have remained constant. In honor of the first ever State of the Union address (given by George…
Meet Kitty Lamberger, Digitization Road Warrior
Crowley’s Onsite Scanning Services Enhance Client Comfort While Providing Valuable Life Experience If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know that this blog typically features individuals who are of historic importance and/or tied to a specific archival collection. In today’s post, we take a short departure (departure being the key word!) to introduce Kitty Lamberger, a vital member of The Crowley Company’s Digitization Services’ onsite scanning team. Kitty has traveled the U.S. from coast to coast, leaving friends and family for…
“If We Don’t Preserve It,
There’s No Other Resource”
The Rochester Museum & Science Center Ensures Local Black History Will Always Have a Voice Where to start? With the late Howard W. Coles, a Rochester, New York journalist, author, publisher, broadcaster, civil rights champion, real estate agent, insurance salesman, court attendant, public housing advocate and loving father? With his only daughter, Joan Coles Howard, who has furthered Coles’ legacy of community activism and ensured that his efforts have been protected, preserved and digitized to tell the story of six…
Making Moves: Pennsylvania State Archives Digitizes Collections, Preps for New Archive Space
Moving is a stressful proposition. It can be even more demanding when you’re tasked with moving a massive archival collection…in the middle of a pandemic…with looming deadlines. Talk about stress! No worries; the Pennsylvania State Archives team has been up to the task with a little help from The Crowley Company’s digitization services division. About six years ago, the Harrisburg-based State Archives began the design of a new building. The purpose of the new space was to allow for a…
The great thing about being in marketing and PR for The Crowley Company is that there are a thousand stories to tell. The bad thing about being in marketing and PR for The Crowley Company is that there are a thousand stories to tell. What a good problem to have! We recently took the opportunity to “tell” the story of Crowley’s Digitization Services division via video by interviewing four of the division’s key team members: Pat Crowley, Dave Westcott, Meghan…
Digitized Newspapers A Gift to Maryland Communities
Chronicled History from 1879 to 2008 Now Available Online Today is Maryland Day, a day that commemorates the formal founding of the colony of Maryland in 1634. As we’re reminded in this account by Dr. Jean Russo of Maryland State Archives, the news of the day – much like that of every news report before and since – has multiple versions. Thus, the donation of digitized historic newspapers by Eric E. Glass and The Taney Corporation serves as a concrete…
Seven Miles, 500 Years of Stories: Jekyll Island History Preserved through Map and Blueprint Scanning
From native hunting land to illegal slave port to millionaires playground to family vacation destination, the coastal beaches and blooming land of Jekyll Island, Georgia have drastically transformed over the past 500 years. Through a collaboration between Jekyll Island Museum Archives, the Jekyll Island Authority and digitization partner, The Crowley Company, nearly 5000+ pages of oversized land maps and blueprints of Jekyll’s infrastructure and historic homes have been preserved and made digitally accessible. This week’s blog gives a glimpse of…
Digitizing Scientific Research at The Rockefeller Archive Center
If there is anything that life and Christopher Nolan movies has taught me, it is that there are no absolute heroes; even the most exemplar person has faults and the gruffest of characters can have compassion. Case in point: John D. Rockefeller, Senior (Rockefeller, Sr.). Living his living life between the worlds of shrewd oil tycoon and diligent philanthropist, Rockefeller used much of his fortune financing scientific research that sought to eradicate specific social and physical diseases, some of which…
Who Runs the World? Junior League of Washington Preserves 107 Years of Women’s History
Care Through Action, Junior League of Washington Preserves Women’s History I’ve been stealing my older sister’s belongings since birth. From clothes to shoes, ideas to dance moves, I “borrowed” everything from my forgiving (and often oblivious) sibling. Little did I know that a mindless pilfering of a book titled “Extraordinary Women in History” in my early years would introduce me to Eleanor Roosevelt, my lifelong idol. Eleanor’s passion to better the lives of Americans both as a First Lady and…
Class Action Digitization
Special Collections Give Access to Tobacco, Drug, Chemical, Food and Fossil Fuel Industry Documents A library is a library is a library, right? You might be interested to know that in the industry there are four primary library types: Public (libraries that belong to cities and towns) School (libraries that serve K-12 students) Academic (libraries that belong to higher education institutions) Special (libraries that belong to any private or public institution or corporation) So…what do you call a library that…