Posts Tagged ‘Reader printer’

Aperture Cards: The Last of an Art Form

  Every once in a while an email pops into my inbox that reminds me how unique The Crowley Company is. A few weeks ago, I received notice from our CEO that a major manufacturer of aperture cards in Asia had stopped production, thereby rendering our Wicks and Wilson division the world’s only manufacturer of aperture cards. Say what?! After embracing this fact through fantasies of royal successions (because the Wicks division is located in the U.K. and after binge-watching “The Crown”…

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Beauty is in the Eye of the Camera: Crowley Advances Imaging Services

What makes a “good” image? It is a universally acknowledged truth in our modern culture that good images are not blurry, have some sort of composition and do not have a finger in the shot (a fact never mentioned to my grandmother). While the subject matter and composition of a good image are often up for debate, the technical specifications are not, especially in regard to archival imaging. Technical guidelines such as the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) and Metamorfoze…

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Happy Hanksgiving, Part Four

What a difference four years makes! When we first followed Hank, the beloved English bulldog of Crowley’s technical support administrator, Cassie Hahn, around the halls of Crowley three years ago he was a small ball of pudge waddling past adoring employees and modeling atop patron book scanners. Since then, Hank and Crowley have come together each “Hanksgiving” to reflect on the many things for which we at Crowley are thankful (and this year we’ve added Hank’s thanks as well). We…

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Vintage Viewing: Microform Reader Printers in the Home

We recently spoke to a Crowley Imaging client who had a microform reader printer at home for the sole recreational purpose of reading old/out-of-print science fiction on microfiche. (For the layperson, a reader printer is a device used to magnify and view microfilm, microfiche, or other type of microform.) As we typically work in the corporate/public domain, this personal use intrigued us. How many others use microform at home? For what purpose? Where do they get the media? And the…

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Introducing the USCAN+, the only Universal Scanner with USB3 Capability

The Crowley Company is very excited to introduce the UScan+ and its brand new Patron software package at next week’s American Library Association MidWinter Conference and Expo in Philadelphia, PA. The original UScan Universal Film (UF) scanner was released in June 2012 and was quickly embraced by end-users – particularly libraries – for its small footprint, affordable pricing and user simplicity. “This next generation is the result of customer feedback and their desire for additional features,” explains The Crowley Company…

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