Posts Tagged ‘Crowley’

Patron vs. Production Scanners: Which Type do You Need?

Our favorite kinds of blogs to write are those sparked by user feedback. Last week, we received an email from a client who had purchased Mekel Technology microfilm and microfiche scanners over 12 years ago and is now looking to purchase a new unit (a testament to the Mekels’ long life span; typical industry turnover is estimated at 3-5 years). He saw that we also offer the UScan+ Universal Film (UF) series scanner and wanted to know if that model…

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Split-Coast Debut: Unveiling the InoTec 8X1 Across the U.S.

October is officially here and we are just a few short weeks away from the U.S. debut of the InoTec SCAMAX 8×1-series ultra high-performance document scanner. After making its first appearance at CeBIT in Germany, InoTec’s home country, the 8×1-series is now making its way to the U.S. As InoTec’s exclusive North American distributor, we want to give our continent a proper introduction to the 8×1, so we are planning not one, but two debut events. Why the Hype? The…

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Anticipating ARMA

The InoTec SCAMAX 8×1 Debuts At Crowley, we can’t wait for October 25th. That’s the day we get our hands on the SCAMAX® 8×1 Ultra High-Performance Document Scanner and get to dig in deep. “I’ve always been impressed with the throughput and sorting of the InoTec document scanners, especially the 400-series,” says Crowley Vice President Matt McCabe. “But I operated the 8×1 in Germany earlier this year and cannot wait to bring it to the North American market. It’s an incredible…

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Broadening Reach with Resellers

From its humble beginnings as a one-person firm started by Jerry Crowley in 1980, The Crowley Company has grown in many ways and yet remains a small business at heart. Now with divisions in Frederick, MD, Basingstoke, UK, and San Dimas and Newbury Park, CA, Crowley has sprawled out across the map with expanding staff, brands and services. Today led by brothers Chris and Pat Crowley, the company remains a family business and preserves this mentality in the way it…

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Celebrating Independence; Remembering the Revolution

As we celebrate Independence Day this week, we appreciate that the 4th of July is more than an excuse for a three-day weekend (although it’s a plus). It’s a chance to celebrate the day we declared ourselves a free nation. There are several organizations such as the Daughters of the American Revolution, Daughters of Colonial Wars and more who devote not just one day, but generations to memorializing the Revolutionary War and its role in shaping our country’s history. Crowley…

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Never Miss a Book with Interlibrary Loan

We received an inquiry the other day that asked, “What is Interlibrary Loan? How are your scanners compatible?” What first appeared to be a short answer became lengthy (and interesting) enough to be blogworthy. What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)? According to the American Library Association, “Interlibrary loan (ILL) is the process by which a library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library [either via hard copy or digital file].” There are many different ILL applications including: Ariel®; Odyssey; ILLiad;…

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Crowley’s Traveling Technician

On March 26th, Steve Sheckels, a Crowley field service engineer, accomplished a pretty impressive milestone: he visited his 50th United State in the course of doing business. Steve’s a talented technician and instructor and has traveled the U.S. and beyond performing scanner and imaging equipment installations, training and – happily, far less frequently – repairs.  On the heels of his personal Facebook post recognizing this achievement, we asked him to pull together some of the highlights of his travels. Here’s…

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Patron Scanners and Preservation – Part One

How today’s libraries are embracing technology for those walking in the door and those searching the internet As we head to Philadelphia for the annual ALA Mid-Winter Conference and Expo, it’s a great time to reflect on how libraries are enhancing their relevance and expanding their reach by embracing today’s technology. As a library vendor, we see two distinct trends taking place: the increase in patron (sometimes called “walk-up” or “on-demand”) systems found on the library floor and the growth…

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Happy “Hanksgiving”

We had a recent visit from eight-week-old Hank, an English bulldog puppy, who belongs to our technical support admin, Cassie. While he was here, we put him to work as a product model. Below are highlights of Hank’s day at Crowley along with a list of our “Hanksgivings.” Happy Holiday, everyone!   1) Hank is so little he can barely support his weight, but he’s ready to start his workday. Where first?         2) The reception area….

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