Posts Tagged ‘genealogy’

Honoring A Legacy: Celebrating 50 Years of Mekel Technology

You might expect a company in the business of preservation to have an extensive archive of its own history. Surprisingly, that’s not always the case. As Mekel Technology, a Crowley Company, (also known as Mekel Engineering until 1999) celebrates its 50th anniversary, we find ourselves reflecting on a remarkable journey that began with a small team of visionaries and on the importance of preserving the history that brought us together. From its modest beginnings in a garage to becoming leaders…

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Zeutschel 12002 Scanner Enhances Milton Public Library’s Local History Resources

Over the past 160 years, the Milton Public Library has evolved from a small mechanics’ institute which served 29 members to a bustling public library network which now serves one of the fastest-growing municipalities in Canada.¹ With the goal of empowering the 130,000+ residents to read, learn, create and connect, the Library staff is constantly developing new ways to better serve its flourishing municipality. Recently, these efforts have included a push toward digital access to valuable research information through digitization. Mark…

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Making Moves: Pennsylvania State Archives Digitizes Collections, Preps for New Archive Space

Moving is a stressful proposition. It can be even more demanding when you’re tasked with moving a massive archival collection…in the middle of a pandemic…with looming deadlines. Talk about stress! No worries; the Pennsylvania State Archives team has been up to the task with a little help from The Crowley Company’s digitization services division. About six years ago, the Harrisburg-based State Archives began the design of a new building. The purpose of the new space was to allow for a…

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DAR, Darling: Digitizing Revolutionary Ladies

October is American Archives Month, a celebration of America’s history and the archivists, organizations and physical buildings that keep them safe and available to the world at large. Each week this month we’ll highlight a facet of how The Crowley Company partners with archivists and historians to help preserve and share American archives.   In a previous blog, we detailed the factions of the National Society Daughters of the Revolution (NSDAR) and the many ways in which The Crowley Company has partnered to preserve…

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Raising the Dead (or) Lost in Translation: The Microfilm Brouhaha

With the recent FamilySearch announcement that it will discontinue its microfilm distribution service has come confusion about the availability and necessity of microfilm. Three days after the announcement, we received this email (edited for space) from a family history librarian and archivist: “…I’m not sure how familiar you are with the family history community, but it was recently announced that FamilySearch is discontinuing its microfilm services.  Additionally, a reputable family history blog claims that this development is because FamilySearch ‘cannot buy…

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Vintage Viewing: Microform Reader Printers in the Home

We recently spoke to a Crowley Imaging client who had a microform reader printer at home for the sole recreational purpose of reading old/out-of-print science fiction on microfiche. (For the layperson, a reader printer is a device used to magnify and view microfilm, microfiche, or other type of microform.) As we typically work in the corporate/public domain, this personal use intrigued us. How many others use microform at home? For what purpose? Where do they get the media? And the…

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Is Crowley your Hidden Link? Digitizing and Genealogy.

  As regards ancestry, Abraham Lincoln once said, “I don’t know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.” While we smile at the truth and wisdom of his statement, we cannot all claim the same. With the surge in genealogic  interest, business, and technology, it’s safe to say that many of us do know – at least by name – our grandfathers and our grandfathers before that. Today, one can find…

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