Author Archive

Quantum Software Allows Historic New York Microfilm Newspaper Scanning Project to Continue Amid Pandemic

When time is seemingly standing still (quarantine blues, anyone?) yet moving so fast (how is it August already?!), there is not much else to do but start a project you know might take a while. In attempting to run out the quarantine clock, I printed and intended to organize three years of photos from my phone. Instead, sitting with hard copy evidence of a life lived closer than six feet apart only deepened the shade of my blues and proved…

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U.K. Service Bureau Has
20-Year-Success with
Wicks and Wilson Scanners

Last week – in a peak moment of quarantine boredom – I participated in a random online survey of English fashion brands. Although I was unfamiliar with most of the brands, one question prompted a strong opinion: “Are you more likely to purchase a brand with British heritage?” My answer? Yes; in fashion and beyond! Apart from a personal love for Maltesers and Aston Martin cars, this sense of trust in British-made products is also a result of my direct…

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Legends of Dutchess County, NY: Digitized Ancient Documents Awaken Stories of the Past

In August 1759, Cornelius Jansen, an enslaved man, presented manumission papers to a Dutchess County court hoping the words would compel the court to grant his freedom from slavery. What makes this case different from so many others? Cornelius’ white father and legal “owner,” Francis Jansen, wrote the papers petitioning for his son’s freedom, completing them with the family seal. The petition was successful; Cornelius was granted freedom. Cornelius’ story – and many others from the 18th century Hudson Valley…

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Patrick Hill’s Digitization Playbook

Vince Lombardi. Coach from Cheers. Patrick Hill. What do these people have in common? They’re born to coach a team (or, in the case of Cheers, a bar full of Bostonians. Same thing, right?). In just nine months as Director of Crowley Imaging Services (Crowley), Patrick Hill has utilized his leadership, business and IT experiences to enhance the productivity and profitability of Crowley’s award-winning digitization service bureau. Coming into the fourth quarter of his first year, I sat with Hill…

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Archiving “The Greatest”: Digitizing Rare History for the Muhammad Ali Center

In a time when the civil rights movement was at its peak and racial divides spread deep and wide, one African American teen and eleven established white businessmen joined together for the sake of success, boxing and the future of “The Greatest,” Muhammad Ali. In today’s blog, we’re combining history and present day to show how knowledgeable teams (in this case, the Louisville Sponsoring Group and The Crowley Company) can provide already successful entities (Muhammad Ali and the Muhammad Ali…

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Small Changes, Big Impact: Discover the Next Generation zeta Book Scanner

This week, Zeutschel – Crowley’s longtime distribution partner based in Tübingen, Germany – announced the next generation of the zeta walk-up book scanner. While the new zeta remains true to the original’s capture ability and ease-of-use, there are a several hardware and software advancements that will have a major impact on operation. In this week’s blog, we’ll give you the skinny on the zeta scanner enhancements, features and how to upgrade your existing unit (or buy a new one if you’ve been…

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The Gift of Digitization

With Thanksgiving under my belt (in more ways than one), I’m jumping into the holiday season with two feet. For myself and others across the globe, the next few weeks will be spent combing through aisles of products and relentlessly searching online for the perfect holiday gifts. During my exhaustive search for  presents that are both practical and meaningful, I was reminded of a few Crowley clients that gave the thoughtful and useful gift of digitization in the forms of…

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Forever Young: Preserving Oak Hill Cemetery Lot and Stereoscopic Cards through Digitization

Cemeteries have so much more to offer than just an eternal resting place. They provide insight into history, reveal family ties long forgotten, remind us of the importance of “the dash” and inspire future stories. The purpose of a cemetery begins long before death and continues long after. Within the iron gates of Oak Hill Cemetery (OHC) in the nation’s capital, this purpose is being furthered with the digitization of 170 years of history documented on paper, on cards, in…

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Endless Love: Digitizing the Herbst Love Letters

A Tale of Preservation and Family in Honor of National Grandparent’s Day. The letters of Gene and Margaret (Maggie) Herbst have traveled far and wide in the name of love. Through 250 handwritten letters, the couple shared tales of their adolescence, war, happiness and longing. In more recent years, the letters have helped their grandson Eric form a relationship with the grandfather he never met. In celebration of National Grandparent’s Day, The Crowley Company is sharing the story of the cherished…

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Digital Touchdown! Digitizing the Pro Football Hall of Fame’s Microform Archive

This week marks the beginning of the National Football League’s 99th season. With preseason kicking off Thursday night in Canton, OH and the 2018 Pro Football Hall of Fame (HOF) Enshrinement Ceremony on Saturday, it’s just about the most wonderful time of year for football fans! To celebrate, we’re taking a look at a different kind of special team, The Crowley Company and the HOF, and the partnership that made the digitization of 1.1 million microfilm and microfiche football records a reality….

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