Posts Tagged ‘Scanning services’

Overhead Scanners are Irreplaceable for Document Digitization

The following blog was originally posted by Zeutschel GmbH and is reposted with permission.  Scanning services providers are currently facing major challenges. More and more projects require the parallel processing of difficult and mixed documents. In addition, there is a clear trend towards the digitization of bound documents. Dokumenten- und Datenservice Wandel GmbH (DD Wandel) shows how these tasks can be successfully mastered with the use of overhead scanners. As part of national cultural funding programs, many municipal archives have…

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Access Granted: Five Ways Crowley Supports Your Digitization Grant Process

I’m slightly embarrassed to admit that I’m a bad shopper. Starting in my early years of stalking the Barbie aisle for what felt like hours when my grandma would generously give me $10 to buy one toy and more recently showing itself after I spent a full year looking for a new car in my budget, purchasing decisions have not been my strong suit and have always included a lot of careful (read: painful) deliberation. In our industry, grant funding…

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Patrick Hill’s Digitization Playbook

Vince Lombardi. Coach from Cheers. Patrick Hill. What do these people have in common? They’re born to coach a team (or, in the case of Cheers, a bar full of Bostonians. Same thing, right?). In just nine months as Director of Crowley Imaging Services (Crowley), Patrick Hill has utilized his leadership, business and IT experiences to enhance the productivity and profitability of Crowley’s award-winning digitization service bureau. Coming into the fourth quarter of his first year, I sat with Hill…

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