Author Archive

An MLA Christmas

The Crowley Company got an early Christmas present last week when it was announced that four of our scanners were awarded honors in the Modern Library Awards program sponsored by Library Works, Inc. This is especially gratifying because the scanners are judged by the librarians, archivists and other library professionals that actually use the products in their facilities. Two of the scan systems are multi-year winners and two are new to the competition. Platinum Honorees Platinum awards, the program’s highest…

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Farewell Dan (for now)

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Dan James for seven years, albeit in five minute increments. A night shift supervisor and microfilm specialist with Crowley Imaging, Dan, clad in his signature plaid flannel shirt, makes a quick round to lock the doors every evening around 6 p.m. On those nights I’m still at my desk, he’ll pop his head in to say hello. Dan is retiring next Wednesday and I will miss both the feeling of security knowing he’s in the…

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Happy Hanksgiving, part three

The past two Thanksgiving holiday blogs have featured Hank, a handsome English Bulldog belonging to Crowley’s technical support administrator, Cassie Hahn. As a puppy (left), we thought we was adorable and used him as our Thanksgiving model (thus, “Hanksgiving“). Last year (right), we brought him back for an encore performance, not realizing that while he had retained his irresistible wrinkles, he’d also gained 50 lbs and a penchant for flatulence. Putting him on a scanner was decidedly NOT a good…

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Meeting the Wicks and Wilson Family

In my ongoing journey to learn about Crowley’s different lines of business, I recently accompanied Chris (Crowley) on a visit to Crowley’s Wicks and Wilson (WWL) division in Basingstoke, England. As I was introduced to members of the team and asked them questions about their experiences as both WWL and Crowley employees, the two words I heard repeatedly were “home” and “family.” Nick Edwards, a 40-year employee (40, as in 4-0), welcomed us and gave me a tour which featured…

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Join the Crowd at MSA’s Family History Festival

By Emily Huebner, Research Archivist at the Maryland State Archives For the second consecutive year, the Maryland State Archives is hosting a family history festival with the sponsorship of The Crowley Company. An Archive can seem like an unconventional location for a festival, but with the help of staff, supporting partners like Crowley and an enthusiastic community of genealogists and historians, the Maryland State Archives (MSA) is bracing for our largest, most informative and fun festival yet. The Family History…

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Jobs Well Done

Our week ended on a high note this past Friday. Not only were three Crowley Imaging employees singled out (tripled out?) at the division’s quarterly meeting, we also received a client letter that was glowing in its commendation for one of Crowley’s senior technicians. While every employee is critical to our ongoing success, this presents the ideal opportunity to introduce you to four of Crowley’s valued team members. Elias Flores (right) has been with Crowley Imaging since 1992. For the…

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My Big Fat Archives Experience

If someone had told me two years ago that they were going to set me up on a date with an archivist, my response would have been, “Well now, let me get back to you….” It just happens that I did unwittingly have a date with an archivist of sorts and then, delightfully, married him! President and CEO Christopher Crowley.  Welcome to my Big Fat Archives Experience!! During our courtship, and now our marriage, I was quickly immersed in all…

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When You Can’t Be Everything to Everybody…Partner Up

In business, it’s sometimes hard to resist the temptation to add a product or service just because someone has asked for it. There’s a balance between the desire to please and the cost to invent (or re-invent) the wheel. If two businesses are willing, strategic partnerships can be the ideal solution – offering clients enhanced services without added expense or elongated learning curves for any of the parties involved. Two recent partnerships have reminded us of the benefit of pairing…

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New Website Enhances Search for Clients

Do you remember the Sears “Big Book” – the three-inch-thick, three-pound tome delivered to homes annually until 1993? Children pored over the toy section; women dreamed through the home goods; and men went directly to car accessories and tools. For more than 100 years, the Sears catalog served as “a mirror of our times, recording for future historians today’s desires, habits, customs and mode of living”[1]. As we launched The Crowley Company’s new website this week, with its 210 pages,…

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