Posts Tagged ‘Client Stories: Document Scanning’
Achieve Measurable Quality Standards for Document Digitization with InoTec
The below has been translated and edited by The Crowley Company from a March 2021 interview with Postmaster Magazine* and re-posted with permission from InoTec GmbH. The Crowley Company has been a distributor of InoTec production-level document scanners since 1998 and has recently worked with the InoTec manufacturing team in Wölfersheim, Germany to achieve Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) three-star imaging ratings on the InoTec 4×3 and 6×1 scanner models. High-performance scanning systems now meet central standards for image…
Christmas: A Tale of Two Censuses
A Once in a Lifetime Records Opportunity: Scanning the 1921 Census of England and Wales Regardless of how you celebrate the holidays, did it ever occur to you that the very first Christmas was driven by a records manager and a census (with a little divine inspiration)? While census records have changed a lot in the centuries since the birth of Jesus, the information is still critical and its absence can be devastating. Case in point: the 1921 England and…
DAR, Darling: Digitizing Revolutionary Ladies
October is American Archives Month, a celebration of America’s history and the archivists, organizations and physical buildings that keep them safe and available to the world at large. Each week this month we’ll highlight a facet of how The Crowley Company partners with archivists and historians to help preserve and share American archives. In a previous blog, we detailed the factions of the National Society Daughters of the Revolution (NSDAR) and the many ways in which The Crowley Company has partnered to preserve…
Crafting the Craftsman: Digitization Brings Important Museum Database Online
In talking with Gary Albert, Adjunct Curator of Silver and Metals at the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts (MESDA), editor of the MESDA Journal and self-proclaimed digestive tract (“the research and archives are the food; the articles are what come out”), one thing is abundantly clear: he loves his job(s). A New Jersey native educated in Ohio, Albert moved to North Carolina and has ironically become a passionate spokesman for historic craftsman and the material culture of the early…
From Scanning to Salmon: Installing an InoTec in Alaska
In April, we discussed technical support services and celebrated the 50th state milestone of Crowley technician Steve Sheckels. Today, we take a look into the life of another Sheckels brother, Kris. You may remember Kris as the imaging specialist who scanned the Rosenberg diary under armed guard. Now a Crowley Imaging service bureau project manager, Kris used to also be a traveling technician. This past week, he took a step into his past life and flew cross-country to Bethel, Alaska…