Posts Tagged ‘The Crowley Company’

Celebrating Alastair

Wicks and Wilson Purchasing Manager Retires with 35 Years Alastair Fitzroy Blair has worked for Wicks and Wilson since January 31, 1983. This Friday, on July 27th, he will wrap up 35 years with one company and a total of 47 years in purchasing for industrial firms in the Basingstoke, UK area. His is a story of many which often goes untold; a quiet hero who does his job well, day in and day out, serving with loyalty, for the…

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Olympic Lineup: New UScan+ UF-Series Offers More Options for Microfilm Reader Printer Replacements

I didn’t realize the importance I placed on the Olympics until Pyeongchang 2018 began seeping into my subconscious thoughts far beyond prime time hours. When Crowley unveiled the latest model in the UScan+ microfilm reader printer replacement scanner series, the UScan+ HD LTE, I couldn’t help but compare the new lineup to a diversely-skilled Olympic team. Each model’s specific set of features propels the team (or series) toward the podium for best value in the microfilm reader printer class. Reader printers…

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Celebrate and Appreciate

It seems fitting for our last post of 2016 to feature just a few of the many employees that make the Crowley world go ‘round. Each year at the corporate holiday celebration, those with significant anniversaries for the year are recognized (“significant” is defined as a five year span). Although not all are present because of geography, each is mentioned by name and for their contribution to the company. Below, please meet our 2016 anniversary notables and join us in…

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Beauty is in the Eye of the Camera: Crowley Advances Imaging Services

What makes a “good” image? It is a universally acknowledged truth in our modern culture that good images are not blurry, have some sort of composition and do not have a finger in the shot (a fact never mentioned to my grandmother). While the subject matter and composition of a good image are often up for debate, the technical specifications are not, especially in regard to archival imaging. Technical guidelines such as the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) and Metamorfoze…

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Happy Hanksgiving, Part Four

What a difference four years makes! When we first followed Hank, the beloved English bulldog of Crowley’s technical support administrator, Cassie Hahn, around the halls of Crowley three years ago he was a small ball of pudge waddling past adoring employees and modeling atop patron book scanners. Since then, Hank and Crowley have come together each “Hanksgiving” to reflect on the many things for which we at Crowley are thankful (and this year we’ve added Hank’s thanks as well). We…

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Old Media in a New Age: Newspapers Go Digital in Latest Case Study

Newspapers have great significance in modern societies around the world. Their thin pages have distributed our world’s heaviest news – the sinking of the Titanic, Kennedy’s assassination, September 11th – and have also followed slightly lighter stories such as the discovery of Big Foot (originally reported in 1858 as “wild people”). Either way, newspapers have been and will continue to be a gateway into today and a crucial key to the past. From the humble origins of handwritten newsletters distributed…

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Scanners Save Lives

Slightly misleading headline, but 100 percent true: in this case, though, it’s not the hardware but the professionals who run them that made a difference. On Monday, February 1st, twenty three staff members from St. John Properties’ Westview Business Park in Frederick, MD – 12 of them from The Crowley Company – participated in a Red Cross Blood Drive coordinated by volunteer (and Crowley relative) Kathleen Crowley. “I’ve been volunteering with the Red Cross for about 30 years,” explains Crowley,…

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On Father’s Day: Jerry Crowley

The upcoming Father’s Day weekend seemed like a good reason to find out more about Jerry Crowley, the founder of Crowley Micrographics (now The Crowley Company). I spent a few minutes with his middle sons, Christopher and Pat, and heard stories amusing, pragmatic and wildly politically incorrect. All of which I found intriguing (and only some of which you’ll read about). “My Dad was what you would call honest to a fault,” says Christopher, now company president. “He gave honesty…

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The Crowley Company Year in Review

In a year that has seen very little, if any, breathing room, we’re making ourselves stop and smell the poinsettias and look back before we rush headlong into 2014. Take a look at what made our top 10 list this year (in no particular order as they each serve to make the whole): We’re blogging (obviously). We’ve always had some great stories to tell and this year we took the plunge and made the commitment to share news weekly. The…

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