Archive for the ‘Digitization Services’ Category

Patron Scanners and Preservation – Part Two

How today’s libraries are embracing technology for those walking in the door and those searching the internet Last week, on the cusp of the annual American Library Association Mid-Winter Conference and Expo, we began a conversation about the relevance of libraries and their embrace of today’s technology. As a library vendor, we see two distinct trends taking place: the increase in patron scanners (sometimes called “walk-up” or “on-demand”) on the library floor and the growth of digital archives found online….

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The Importance of Trade Shows

  Why The Crowley Company attends trade shows across the globe In 2013, The Crowley Company attended 16 trade shows across the globe, starting with CeBit in Hannover, Germany and ending with MARAC in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This year, we expect to attend or be represented at more than 25 international, national and regional events (see our 2014 schedule, which will be continuously updated throughout the year). Why does Crowley make this significant financial and manpower investment? In the micrographics and…

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Scanning the Rosenberg Diary Under Armed Guard

For Kris Sheckels, a Crowley imaging specialist and project manager, this past November 7th will be a day to discuss with the grand kids. Only 25 now, he knows he’ll never forget scanning the long-missing Alfred Rosenberg Diary for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM). In Delaware. On a borrowed scanner. Under armed guard. THE PATH TO DELAWARE This Wednesday, in a formal ceremony, the USHMM took possession of the Rosenberg Diary when it was transferred into their custody…

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Digitizing FDR for the Masses

On Wednesday, December 4th, Crowley Imaging was honored to be invited to Hyde Park, New York for the launch of “FRANKLIN,” a virtual research room and digital repository that provides free and open access to the digitized collections of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum.  FRANKLIN is a partnership of the FDR Library, National Archives and Records Administration, Marist College, IBM and the Roosevelt Institute. FULFILLING A VISION “Over 70 years ago, President Franklin D. Roosevelt called for…

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Scanning Tales from the Crypt at Congressional Cemetery

Editor’s note: As we wrap up American Archives Month and note today’s date on the calendar, it only seems apropos to highlight Crowley Imaging’s document conversion work with Washington, D.C.’s historic Congressional Cemetery. “Dead men tell no tales.” Or so say the Proverbs (loosely translated) or Captain Jack Sparrow (well-scripted). Storytellers, forensic specialists and archivists will argue. In April and August of last year, Crowley Imaging partnered with Congressional Cemetery on two separate projects to digitize more than 10,000 images…

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Crowley Scanners and Bureau Serve Smithsonian Archives of American Art

  Editor’s note: October is American Archives Month and a reminder of how important the records of our past are to our future. To celebrate, we’re highlighting five conversion projects throughout the month. So far, we’ve featured an academic reference collection for The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Time Life’s LIFE magazine photo archive and the use of Zeutschel book scanners to archive the papers of our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. This week, we are focusing on…

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Bringing LIFE to Life

Editor’s note: October is American Archives Month and a reminder of how important the records of our past are to our future. To celebrate, we’re highlighting five conversion projects throughout the month. Last week we discussed how the AAAI had created a virtual archive for scientific material that is no longer easily attainable. Today we look at the mass digitization and public sharing of one of the most iconic collections of photos anywhere, the LIFE Photo Archive. The Digitization of…

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Making the “Intelligent” Choice to Digitize for Wider Access

  Editor’s note: October is American Archives Month and a reminder of how important the records of our past are to our future. To celebrate, we’ll highlight five conversion projects throughout the month. This week’s blog explains how one association has taken the step to create a virtual archive for scientific material that is no longer easily attained on the market or in libraries. AAAI Creates Virtual Archive for Students, Researchers, Historians The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence…

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Preserving History through Newspaper Digitization, Part Two

Last week, in the first part of our two-part blog mini-series, “Preserving History through Newspaper Digitization,” we outlined the importance of digitization to the preservation of our nation’s rich history. This week, we are going to take a closer look at newspaper digitization and, more specifically, the digitization of the Carroll County Times, a conversion service project completed by Crowley Imaging. Since its inception, Crowley Imaging has scanned between five and 10 million newspaper images with some of the originals…

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Preserving History through Newspaper Digitization, Part One

  For years, the spoken word was the primary method with which people conveyed thoughts and ideas, did business, and broadcasted the day’s events.  This system was not extremely efficient or particularly accurate. It could take quite some time for news to travel and, often the day’s news would change from its inception throughout its travels. Remember playing the game “Telephone” as a child? As history evolved oral tradition gave way to the written language. Scribes, historians and those with an…

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