Posts Tagged ‘Diary Scanning’

Digitized Diaries Bring Arkansan Icon to Life

Oh, the lure of a diary. As an avid reader and writer, I’ve often tried to keep one. As a procrastinator and control freak, I don’t make it beyond a week. The commitment to a daily routine and the fear that my secrets (do I have any?) and frank admissions (too many!) would be misconstrued when I can no longer provide context…well, I just can’t. I’m grateful that not everyone feels the same or we would have little to no…

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Crowley Digitizes 15 Volumes from the Mount Vernon Historical Collection

    As we celebrate President’s Day this week, we look back to the one who started it all; George Washington. The man who led our troops to victory in the Revolutionary war and helped shape 13 orphaned colonies into the United States of America. His ideals contributed to the foundation of the Constitution and have stood as a moral benchmark for the evolution of the country. Over two centuries after his death, we are now able to celebrate his…

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Scanning the Rosenberg Diary Under Armed Guard

For Kris Sheckels, a Crowley imaging specialist and project manager, this past November 7th will be a day to discuss with the grand kids. Only 25 now, he knows he’ll never forget scanning the long-missing Alfred Rosenberg Diary for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM). In Delaware. On a borrowed scanner. Under armed guard. THE PATH TO DELAWARE This Wednesday, in a formal ceremony, the USHMM took possession of the Rosenberg Diary when it was transferred into their custody…

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