Posts Tagged ‘Scanning’

Celebrating Independence; Remembering the Revolution

As we celebrate Independence Day this week, we appreciate that the 4th of July is more than an excuse for a three-day weekend (although it’s a plus). It’s a chance to celebrate the day we declared ourselves a free nation. There are several organizations such as the Daughters of the American Revolution, Daughters of Colonial Wars and more who devote not just one day, but generations to memorializing the Revolutionary War and its role in shaping our country’s history. Crowley…

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Princeton’s Latin American Ephemera

Having celebrated Cinco de Mayo on Monday, we decided to raise our margaritas and toast Princeton’s Latin American Ephemera Collection. Crowley Imaging is currently under contract to scan and convert more than 100, 000 images from the collections, which are unparalleled in size and scope. As a result of this project, a vast portion that has so far remained uncatalogued, and therefore hidden from students and scholars, will soon become freely and widely available on the web. Short-lived…Forever The concept…

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Crowley Imaging Goes Hollywood with West Coast Imaging Facility

Well, technically we’re 34 miles west, but that’s still pretty darn close to Tinseltown. The fact is that with this week’s asset acquisition of Integrated Scanning of America (ISA), a respected California scanning bureau, Crowley Imaging now has an imaging facility to serve clients in the western United States.  And that’s good news all around. What exactly is a service bureau? Those in the archive preservation and records management industries understand that a service bureau in our industry is descriptive…

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Is Crowley your Hidden Link? Digitizing and Genealogy.

  As regards ancestry, Abraham Lincoln once said, “I don’t know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.” While we smile at the truth and wisdom of his statement, we cannot all claim the same. With the surge in genealogic  interest, business, and technology, it’s safe to say that many of us do know – at least by name – our grandfathers and our grandfathers before that. Today, one can find…

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Patron Scanners and Preservation – Part Two

How today’s libraries are embracing technology for those walking in the door and those searching the internet Last week, on the cusp of the annual American Library Association Mid-Winter Conference and Expo, we began a conversation about the relevance of libraries and their embrace of today’s technology. As a library vendor, we see two distinct trends taking place: the increase in patron scanners (sometimes called “walk-up” or “on-demand”) on the library floor and the growth of digital archives found online….

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Scanning the Rosenberg Diary Under Armed Guard

For Kris Sheckels, a Crowley imaging specialist and project manager, this past November 7th will be a day to discuss with the grand kids. Only 25 now, he knows he’ll never forget scanning the long-missing Alfred Rosenberg Diary for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM). In Delaware. On a borrowed scanner. Under armed guard. THE PATH TO DELAWARE This Wednesday, in a formal ceremony, the USHMM took possession of the Rosenberg Diary when it was transferred into their custody…

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