The Mekel and Zeutschel capture software and file management structures proved very compatible with our workflows and infrastructure.

Barbara Aikens, Chief, Collections Processing, Smithsonian Institution’s Archives of American Art

Digitization Software Solutions

OS12 Book Copying Software Solutions

Scanning Software for Image Quality, Optimizing Workflow and Storage

Get a Quote on Digitization Software Solutions

The best digitization products available are only as good as the system by which it is powered. At The Crowley Company, digitization software systems are considered a critical component for maximum image quality and production efficiency.

Many of the software brands listed below have been either developed or co-developed by Crowley engineers or are in use by Crowley’s Digitization Services division, the company’s nationwide service bureau which digitizes and processes millions of images from all media types each year.

Avision brand scanners
Button Manager



Compatible Scanners: Avision document scanners

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IMAGEhost Online Microfilm Retrieval System

Compatible Hardware: Mekel Technology MACH-Series and Wicks and Wilson microfilm scanners  Learn more

InoTec Brand products



Compatible Scanners: InoTec document scanners Learn more


ECM Solutions


Compatible Scanners: All Crowley manufactured and distributed scanners Learn more

Mekel Technology Brand Scanners

Quantum Software Suite

Microform Scanning and Processing

Compatible Scanners: Mekel Technology MACH-Series microfilm and microfiche scannersLearn more

Preservica Active Digital Preservation Software

Active Digital Preservation™ Software

Long-term value protection on digital information

Compatible Scanners: All Crowley manufactured and distributed scanners Learn more


QiCapture and
iCapture Software


Compatible Scanners: Qidenus Technologies book scannersLearn more

ROWE ScanMatrix Software

Large format capture software


Compatible Scanners: ROWE Map, Blueprint and Large format scannersLearn more

Today’s Business Solutions ScanEZ Software

Library scanning software

Compatible Scanners: Only available with the Zeutschel OS 15000 Comfort scanner  Learn more

Omniscan OS12, Perfect Book, QM-Tool and Kitodo

Compatible Scanners: Zeutschel book scanner and book copy systems

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