On our COM fiche conversion project, we scan 200 fiche per day, per machine on-site. The Mekel scanners process better and faster than our former scanners because we don’t need a server attached to each machine…This is a tremendous competitive advantage for our company.


Ryan Candela, Project Manager, Mountain States Imaging

Microfiche Scanners

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Patron and Production Level Microfiche Scanning Equipment

Get a Quote on Microfiche Scanners

Crowley offers microfiche scanners for both on-demand single-/multi-image capture or low-volume use and production scanners for high-volume digitization of all microfiche formats. From jumbo to COM, jackets and everything in-between, Crowley has scanners to fit your collection type and size. Scroll below to browse our variety of Mekel Technology, Wicks and Wilson, Imagelink and Crowley brand systems for microfiche scanning, viewing and image hosting. Read FAQs on digitization products and software.