Wicks and Wilson is The Crowley Company
Formed in 1973 and ISO-accredited in 1988, Wicks and Wilson LTD (WWL) of Basingstoke, UK has been recognized as a world leader in the manufacture and sale of high-quality production microform scanners and accessories in the micrographics and digitization industries.
Acquired by The Crowley Company in 2011, the division continues to be a vital international R&D, manufacturing, sales and technical support arm for Crowley under which name its products are now branded. The division, now referred to as Crowley UK, continues its legacy with a focus on research, development and manufacture of scan systems for microfilm, microfiche, aperture cards and documents in order to digitize, host and retrieve images. A range of these products are sold worldwide through a strong and loyal dealer support network.
For a full look at the Wicks and Wilson history, read this blog celebrating the brand’s 40th anniversary.
Find out more about the Crowley Advantage.
C400 Aperture
Card Scanners
Wicks and Wilson’s legacy C400 Aperture Card scanner is no longer being manufactured. Read the full notice.
The Crowley C400 Advanced Aperture Card Scanner is the recommended replacement.
If you are a current C400 Aperture Card scanner owner and need technical support, click here.
IMAGEhost Image Retrieval System
Scan and host microfilm and microfiche collections in their original format and access images from any mobile or traditional device.
7700- and 8800-Series Microform Scanners
Wicks and Wilson’s legacy 7700- and 8800-Series microform scanners are no longer being manufactured. Read the full notice.
The Mekel MACH-Series is the recommended replacement for production microfilm and microfiche scanners.
If you are a current 7700- or 8800-Series scanner owner and need technical support, click here.