Scanning Solutions For Books,
Large-Format Material and More
Analog and Digital Imaging Systems and Imaging Products
Get a Quote on Zeutschel Scanners or Accessories
Founded in 1961 and headquartered in Tübingen, Germany, Zeutschel GmbH is known worldwide for developing and manufacturing state-of-the-art digitization and preservation technology and imaging products. For over 20 years, The Crowley Company has been the exclusive distributor of Zeutschel imaging products in North America.
Scroll below to view Zeutschel’s wide variety of archival solutions available from The Crowley Company.
Find out more about the Crowley Advantage.
Crowley has installed Zeutschel scanners in such prestigious institutions as the National Archives and Records Administration, the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and a North Carolina University.
Equipment offerings include: book, overhead, large-format, color and grayscale scanners; book copiers; book cradles; scanning tables; archive writers; microfilm cameras and exposure systems; and capturing and editing software.
Zeutschel is also the OEM-supplier of Crowley’s Mekel Technology microfilm and microfiche scanners in the Euro-zone, where they are branded as the Zeutschel OM series.
The Zeutschel ScanStudio, OS Q, OS 12002, zeta and OS14000 scanners have received multiple high-ranking awards in the Modern Library Awards (MLA) program. Read more.