The Document Archive Writer does a beautiful job of logically ordering and indexing our documents. We can now group images in an intelligent manner. This whole system has made it so much easier for us to record, verify and safeguard all our documents.

Deputy Clerk, Shelby County Probate Office

Zeutschel OP-Series Archive Writers

The Long-Term Preservation
Solution for Digital Files

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Save Digital Data to Microfilm

The Zeutschel OP-series of archive writers are perfect for safe, long-term archiving of valuable documents in this trusted medium. As the world’s longest-lasting storage archive medium available, microfilm is relied upon to preserve some of the world’s most valuable information and records. When well-preserved, it is estimated microfilm can last up to 500 years and can be read with just a magnification device and light source. The OP 800 and OP 800 HR archive writers are universal systems for the preservation of all native digital data (CAD, email, Word, Excel, etc.) and digitized data (scanned documents, images and more).

  • Easy operation
  • Creates 16/35 mm microfilm reels with film capacity of up to 600m
  • Captures full-frame; duplex; duo and multi-frame in landscape and portrait
  • Maximum 289.6 megapixel optical resolution (OP 800 HR)
  • Converts from all standard file formats, including: TIFF, JPEG, JP2, PDF and many more
  • Writes to high-resolution microfilm in black/white, grayscale (halftone) or color
  • Color enhancement via integrated ICC conform color management
  • High-productivity
  • Wide range of image processing tools for perfect file conversion in batch mode
  • Automatic metadata fade-in
Looking for other microfilm products? Click to view Crowley’s full line of microfilm scanners and products. 

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Zeutschel OP-Series Archive Writers 

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