New Film Archive Processor Completes Crowley’s 360-Solution for Microfilm Owners
Frederick, Md. – The Crowley Company (Crowley) has incorporated the Crowley MiniLab 2 Film Archive Processor into its expansive offerings for microfilm. With this new addition, Crowley can offer any organization solutions for every step of the lifecycle of microfilm, from converting physical or digital collections onto microfilm to film processing and duplication to the scanning and hosting of digital microfilm images.
Crowley MiniLab 2 Film Archive Processor
The Crowley MiniLab 2 Film Archive Processor, utilizes a daylight operation method wherein users can process film in any room, versus requiring a dark room, for intuitive, no-mess processing for 16 and 35 mm microfilm collections, adding a level of simplicity and ease-of-use not usually seen with processing film. The MiniLab 2 is a tabletop unit that can be operated with minimal training – due to its new technology – and can save owners money by conserving consumable resources using an energy-conservation mode.
The MiniLab 2 uses a deep tank that is evenly dimensioned and electronically monitored to help facilitate perfect film development using thorough water rinsing and drying capabilities. Built to be environmentally friendly, the MiniLab 2 automatically cuts off the rinsing water when film transportation has stopped and separately collects used chemicals.
Equipped with full electronic control, monitoring system and multifunctional operator terminal, these components enable the MiniLab 2 with precise controls for temperature, desired transport speed and developing time to meet processing guidelines for archiving materials.
Ideal for archivists, records managers and all with long-term microfilm preservation needs, the MiniLab 2 ensures that valuable records are accessible and preserved for generations to come.
Why Preserve Records to Microfilm?
Microfilm is relied upon by countless institutions to preserve some of the world’s most valuable information and records and is still required by some government, state and corporate regulations. When well-preserved, microfilm is estimated to last up to 500 years and only needs a light source to be read – making it nearly future-proof.
By writing valuable information to microfilm, an organization creates a long-lasting copy of records. When paired with the digitization of these records, organizations can hold preservation copies while using the digital images to lessen retrieval time, share data globally and efficiently track information for compliance and auditing purposes.
The Lifecycle of Microfilm
Crowley provides solutions to usher record owners through every step of the microfilm process, depending on an organization’s specific needs.
Creation. Digital-born or existing physical collections, are written to long-lasting microfilm using the Zeutschel OP-Series archive writers (digital to film) or the OK400 microfilm camera (analog to film).
Processing. Raw film is processed through a series of chemicals using the new Crowley MiniLab 2, a state-of-the-art, tabletop film processor which conveniently processes film without the need for a dark room set up.
Duplication. Once film rolls are created, they can be duplicated to create multiple copies for preservation or distribution. Designed to meet the needs of users having low-volume microfilm duplicating requirements, Extek Silver Film Duplicators (2150 or 3441) offer compact and completely self-contained film duplication.
Digitization. Once media is preserved onto microfilm, it can be easily and quickly scanned into digital files using production microfilm scanners. Capturing images in up to 600 dpi at speeds of 1400 images or more per minute, Mekel Technology and Crowley brand scanners are a fast solution for converting microfilm, microfiche and aperture cards to high-quality digital images. Crowley offers Digitization Services to those that may want to outsource their scanning projects to save costs, time, resources and utilize Crowley’s decades of capture experience.
Access. The digital files can then be uploaded into any electronic content management platform including Crowley IMAGEhost (built specifically for microfilm hosting), Laserfiche, Preservica and more for fast, widespread access to digital images.
Crowley’s Support Services
The job is not finished when a piece of microfilm creation equipment and capture hardware is sold or leased. As part of Crowley’s ongoing customer service, we provide our clients with the parts and supplies required to keep scanners and processing hardware running at peak performance.
For more information on purchasing a Crowley brand scanner, digitization or support services, contact +1 (240) 215-0224 or visit
About The Crowley Company
The Crowley Company is a world leader in digital scanning technologies manufacturing and provides an extensive number of digital document and film conversion services to the library, academic, publishing, commercial, government and archive sectors. The firm has three locations in Frederick, Maryland, San Dimas, California and Basingstoke, UK.