Posts Tagged ‘university archives’

Princeton’s Latin American Ephemera

Having celebrated Cinco de Mayo on Monday, we decided to raise our margaritas and toast Princeton’s Latin American Ephemera Collection. Crowley Imaging is currently under contract to scan and convert more than 100, 000 images from the collections, which are unparalleled in size and scope. As a result of this project, a vast portion that has so far remained uncatalogued, and therefore hidden from students and scholars, will soon become freely and widely available on the web. Short-lived…Forever The concept…

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Saving Black History: Digitizing Records of The Central Lunatic Asylum for Colored Insane

  The name alone is enough to conjure images from television’s “American Horror” yet this is no scriptwriter’s drama. Instead, the records of The Central Lunatic Asylum For Colored Insane tell the stories of tens of thousands of real African American psychiatric patients dating back more than 100 years. Except for the intervention of Dr. King Davis, director and professor of the University of Texas at Austin (UT) Institute for Urban Policy Research & Analysis, these stories may well have…

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Digitized Propaganda Posters Bring Wartime to Life

As we looked for just the right Crowley tie-in with Monday’s Veterans Day celebration, we came across the following webpage from Washington State University (WSU). The page, which features WSU Libraries Digital Collections, discusses the digitization of propaganda posters from the World Wars. These posters are a unique reminder of a time when the sacrifices of war extended beyond the battlefield to each citizen’s front door. They also remind us at Crowley how grateful we are to those who serve…

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Making the “Intelligent” Choice to Digitize for Wider Access

  Editor’s note: October is American Archives Month and a reminder of how important the records of our past are to our future. To celebrate, we’ll highlight five conversion projects throughout the month. This week’s blog explains how one association has taken the step to create a virtual archive for scientific material that is no longer easily attained on the market or in libraries. AAAI Creates Virtual Archive for Students, Researchers, Historians The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence…

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The Growing Use of Patron Scanners

Patron scanners, like the Zeutschel OS 12000 Bookcopy, the Zeutschel zeta and Wicks and Wilson UScan, are growing in popularity for many reasons. These scanners provide users an easy-to-operate walk-up experience – similar to that of a paper copier or microfilm reader/printer– but one that offers higher technology, lower maintenance, more features, media protection via gentle handling functionality and green benefits. Patron scanners, or “on-demand” scanners as they are called in the industry, are increasingly found in academic libraries, records/vital…

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