Wyoming State Engineers Office

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Electronic Document Management System Overview

This brochure is intended to illustrate the many benefits of an Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) utilizing the combined resources of The Crowley Company, a world leader in commercial imaging solutions, and enChoice, a premier software developer and solution provider. This synergism resulted in a very impressive EDMS installation recently implemented at the Wyoming State Engineers Office (SEO) in Cheyenne, WY.

An EDMS is a collection of technologies that are used to create, capture, index, distribute, review, maintain, store, retrieve and dispose of information assets. Major components of EDMS include imaging, document management and workflow processing. EDMS eclipses the previous storage median of aperture cards both in return on investment and functionality.

Wyoming State Engineers Office – System Description

The State Engineers Office (SEO) experienced a doubling of their workload from 1999 to 2003, a 10-15% increase of staff and a need to modernize their processes. These challenges resulted in the State Engineers Multi-year Information Technology (IT) initiative project. The project began with a business case proposal by SEO and Weston Solutions Inc. and culminated in a multi-year effort to convert the agency’s work processes from the traditional paper-based system to one that is fully electronic.

The main components of the IT initiative included:

  • E-permit/petition workflow management system – a web-based system to allow for the submittal of a water right application via the internet
  • New relational water rights database to replace the existing system comprised of multiple tables/spreadsheets and databases
  • Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) for digitizing all types of records including: 70,000+ maps, 6,000,000+ microfilm images and 300,000 paper documents such as permits and certificates of record
  • A geographic information prototype system to expand coverage to the entire state

Harry LaBonde, Deputy State Engineer, noted that the prospect of having millions of documents digitized and correlated with geospatial data for water rights and permitting “will go a long way toward making job activities more efficient and in making the information easier to access and more user-friendly for the residents of Wyoming.”

Flow chart – New Document Management System

The top line of the following chart and the OP 500 Archive Writer at 6b illustrates the various capture devices available from The Crowley Company (dependent upon the media). The remainder of the chart illustrates the workflow solution from enChoice.


The Wyoming SEO equipment includes:

Zeutschel 10,000 A0 planetary scanning system featuring:

  • Output of black and white, grayscale or 36-bit color images
  • Far superior image quality than a previous rotary engineering scanner
  • Flat, counter-balanced glass for ease of use and allowing for any document condition
  • Simultaneous JPEG and TIFF compressed images with only one scan

Mekel Technology film scanners

Manufactured by The Crowley Company, these scanners digitize 16mm and 35mm jackets at high speed

The Zeutschel ArchiveWriter

A 90 megapixel camera which produces high-quality 16mm or 35mm film directly from images
