Posts Tagged ‘large-format scanners’

Hello Zeutschel OS Q (and Farewell to the OS 14000)

After 12 years on the market, the last of a first-of-its-kind archival scanner retires to make way for the next generation This month, the last Zeutschel OS 14000 large format overhead scanner left Tübingen, Germany for its final destination. Originally brought to market in 2008, the OS 14000 series was significant in that it ushered in a new era of high-quality digital preservation for bound and loose media up to A0 size (33.1” x 46.8” inches). The new generation OS…

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Determining the Best Method for Scanning Bound Materials

We’ve addressed the issue of book scanning methods in a previous blog, however the information bears repeating. Books are still one of the world’s most popular methods of information recording, but paper (or even in its earliest forms, papyrus or rice paper) is not the most resilient of materials. It is for this reason that digitization is essential to extending the lifespan of the precious words and images held within their covers. The options for scanning bound materials are numerous…

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