Happy Hanksgiving, Part Two

Last year we featured eight-week-old Hank, an English bulldog who belongs to Crowley’s technical support admin, Cassie, in our Thanksgiving blog. His days of product modeling on the product are long gone thanks to his 40+ pound growth spurt but he was able to make the office rounds, once again reminding us that we have many blessings to count.


We’re thankful for growth. Hank has obviously experienced a lot of personal growth over the past year and his came with a few wrinkles. At Crowley, 2014 was a year to settle into many of the positive changes we’ve created and experienced over the past few years. We’ve added to our product base – both in manufactured and distributed imaging products – and are fully staffed in our service bureaus on both coasts.


We’re thankful for people…and innovations…and collaborations. The Crowley Company has offices in Frederick, Md., Newbury Park, Ca., San Dimas, Ca., and in Basingstoke, UK. Our staff is diversified in skills, talents, degrees and certifications and each is an important part of the whole. We’re fortunate to have a channel of worldwide resellers that help us to reach an audience beyond our physical locations. And we’re thankful for strong relationships with our overseas manufacturers such as Zeutschel and InoTec, who engineer top-breed scanners for us to represent in the U.S. and Americas.


We’re thankful for customers…vendors…and the chance to take a break. As Hank checks out the microfilm collections in the service bureau, zealously guards our FedEx letters and ponders which snack to choose, we’re reminded of each person and organization that gives us the privilege to work on their digital and analog projects or allows us to provide the scanners and equipment to help them with their own preservation and digitization efforts. In many instances, our jobs would not be complete without the help of our many vendors. And always, we’re glad for the chance to take a break, re-charge and do it all over again.


As Hank finishes his day with a well-deserved rest, we finish this blog with well-wishes for a Thanksgiving holiday filled with health, family and friends. We’re thankful for our staff, our customers, our vendors, our partners and the many opportunities that each day provides. And, of course, Hank.


The Crowley Company is a full-solution imaging partner. From micrographics equipment and microfilm to desktop scanners to production scanners to patron systems and conversion services, The Crowley Company has aided records managers, archivists, librarians, researchers, students and others throughout the world with archival preservation and digitization solutions.

If you have any questions, please contact the Crowley Company by calling (240) 215-0224. General comments and inquiries can be emailed to [email protected].

Cheri Baker, Crowley’s Director of Communications, enjoys a career that spans the realms of agency and corporate communications. A self-Cheri Bakerdescribed “generalist specialist,” Cheri believes common sense, good grammar, nice manners and a bit of fun make for successful marketing, communications and public relations and a life well-lived. Find Cheri Baker on Google+


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