Posts Tagged ‘imaging’

30 (Days); 9 (Industries); One (Chance to Win): A Month in Crowley Scanner Sales

In our little corner of the blogosphere, we love to “zoom in” on a single client’s hardware or imaging services digitization journey. Rarely do we “zoom out” and look at the various vertical markets that make up Crowley’s diverse client base. Each scanning story we’ve told so far is a tile in the larger mosaic of Crowley’s vast market reach. If I give the complete rundown of four decades of Crowley sales, this blog will be 17 pages long and I’ll lose my…

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Staying Power: A Conversation with The Crowley’s

The following blog post is an article published last month in IDMi Magazine.  When one considers the changes in technology in the analog and digital imaging industries over the past four decades, it seems nearly impossible that a small firm has been able to survive – and thrive – while remaining an independent entity in a very narrow, niche market. Yet for 36 years, The Crowley Company has been a staple in the worlds of archival preservation, digitization and records…

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What I Never Thought I’d Know About The Imaging Industry

When I was in college studying for my communications degree, I never imagined that I would ever have to know the difference between 16mm and 35mm microfilm; 300dpi and 600dpi resolution; or flatbed vs overhead capture. Then I got a job at The Crowley Company. In just a few short years, I’ve learned a lot about the imaging industry and the people who make it their job to preserve and share digital and analog content. It’s the people that I’m…

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Service Bureau Walkabout

In need of a little blog inspiration today, I went to the one location in our Frederick, Md. headquarters that always makes me happy – our Crowley Imaging service bureau. While I’m intrigued by the equipment, manufacturing and technical sides of our business, my artsy right brain loves taking the 26 steps from my desk to the threshold of our imaging division. That 27th step never fails to transport me from desk jockey to treasure hunter. The lights are always…

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Selling to the Competition

  I recently interviewed a client for an upcoming case study on Mekel Technology microfilm and microfiche scanners. The client represents a service bureau and asked a question we hear often, “We’re Crowley competitors. How do you represent us and yourselves at the same time?” Good question. Crowley has several divisions: research and development; manufacturing; hardware sales; technical support and Crowley Imaging, our own service bureau. In addition to selling to service bureaus, with which we compete, we also manufacture…

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