Wicks and Wilson Division Head Keeler Named Crowley Vice President

kevin-keelerFrederick, Maryland (USA) and Basingstoke, Hampshire (UK) – Christopher Crowley, president of The Crowley Company, announced today that Kevin Keeler, research and development (R&D) manager at Wicks and Wilson, a division of The Crowley Company, has been named vice president of research and development.

“This is a significant move for both our company and for Kevin,” states Crowley. “Since joining Wicks and Wilson in 1993, Kevin has proven himself to be one of the most innovative engineers in the digital imaging industry worldwide. For two decades, he’s been instrumental in design and technology advancements for microfilm, microfiche and aperture card scanning equipment and processes. We’ve respected his talents as a competitor and have been pleased to have him on the same team for the past year.” Since The Crowley Company’s acquisition of Wicks and Wilson in November 2011, Keeler has been key to the development and marketing of Crowley’s most successful product launch to date, the UScan Universal Scanner, which sold more than 300 units in its first six months to market.

In his new position, Keeler will oversee the corporate R&D efforts of both the Wicks and Wilson and Mekel Technology product lines. Says Crowley, “Mekel Technology, under the continuing management of lead engineer Jeff Helm, brought the world its first microfilm and microfiche scanners in the mid-1980s. Since then, Mekel Technology has continued to bring forth new products and maintain its leadership status around the world. We expect that bringing these two creative minds together under Kevin’s strategic leadership will lead to an unbeatable team. By playing to the strengths of each brand and capitalizing on technology that is either in its infancy or still just a mindseed, Crowley is in a strong position to continue to dominate the worldwide digital imaging market.”

Keeler is a graduate of Sir Joseph Williamsons Mathematical School in Rochester, England and earned an Electrical and Electronic Engineering honours degree from University of Reading. Following a stint at Marconi Command and Control Systems Limited, where he worked on some of the first plasma panel computer displays, Keeler worked on various military systems including optical target recognition and laser range finding. His first task at Wicks and Wilson as a software engineer in 1993 was to move the Wicks and Wilson line of products from DOS to Windows 3 – at the time, one of a relatively few individuals with the expertise to do so. In 2004, Keeler was promoted to research and development manager. He “enjoys a game of golf,” actively supports the UK Scout and Guide movements and spends any hours away from the office with his family. He acknowledges seriously, but with his trademark sense of humor, that he’s “looking forward to the challenge of developing new world-class products for The Crowley Company with the help of an experienced team of people based on two continents and in three time zones.”
