New Hires and Employee Advancements at The Crowley Company

Frederick, Md. – Christopher Crowley, president of The Crowley Company, announces new placements and advancements within the company’s corporate, service bureau and technical service departments.

camily-bishop-2Following a term as communications and sales intern, Camily Bishop of Mt. Airy, MD has begun work as a sales and marketing assistant. Her responsibilities include copywriting, trade show support, social media/website communications and assisting in various hardware sales efforts. Bishop holds a degree in Mass Communication from Towson University.
sean-dixonSean Dixon of Libertytown, MD joined the technical support team as dispatcher after his graduation from Hood College with a degree in Business Administration and following a term as intern in Crowley’s accounting department. In addition to dispatching, Dixon is responsible for equipment supervision, inventory and scheduling of the technical support team’s maintenance visits and installations.
rachel-pincus Rachel Pincus of Middletown, MD has been working with The Crowley Company for over two years providing microfilm and small-volume conversion service sales. She has recently taken on the added responsibility of technical service contract sales and renewals. Says Crowley, “With this move, Rachel becomes a true representative for Crowley’s trifecta solution for scanning: hardware, conversion services and technical support.”
kris-sheckelsKris Sheckels of Frederick, MD joined Crowley’s service bureau in 2007 as an imaging operator. After gaining the necessary skills and knowledge in this area, Kris transferred to the technical support department before returning to the service bureau as a project manager. In this role, he is responsible for the set-up, delivery/processing, scheduling and assisting with tracking of imaging projects, operator training and equipment liaison with service technicians.
greg-soudersGreg Souders, of Frederick, MD was recently hired to support Crowley Imaging technical projects and assist corporate IT efforts. Souders’ responsibilities include project management, processing and delivery, IT and data management and storage. “I take the scans through the final steps of the imaging process and provide the finished products to the client,” says Souders of his job with the conversion service bureau. His educational experience includes a degree in Computer Network Systems (CNS) from ITT Technical Institute.