Wild, Wonderful and Well-Documented
Scanning West Virginia Land Records with the Zeutschel 12000 Wild, wonderful West Virginia. For me, these words ring very true. Harpers Ferry has become one of my favorite places to visit in recent years for its natural beauty, challenging – yet fun – hiking trails and compelling history. Harpers Ferry resides in Jefferson County, which is also known for its compelling history, beauty and rising popularity. The Jefferson County West Virginia’s Assessor’s Office is currently digitizing land records to help the…
Zeutschel GmbH Celebrates 60 Years in the Digitization Field
The Crowley Company’s longtime partner, Zeutschel GmbH, celebrated their 60th year in business in December 2021. The following blog, written by Zetuschel, is reposted with permission and details their growth as a market leader in the still media digitization technology field. What do the manuscripts of Johann Sebastian Bach, the written correspondence of Abraham Lincoln and the Cuban diary entries of Alexander von Humboldt have in common? They were all digitized with the scanning solutions from Zeutschel GmbH. The Tübingen, Germany…
Any Big Deals Cooking?
A Tribute to Joan Crowley, Crowley’s Unofficial Queen When I first met “Mrs. Crowley” (it took me a while to call her Joan, although she insisted from our very first meeting), it felt a bit as I imagine it would feel to meet the Queen. In many respects, she truly was queen of The Crowley Company. Supporting her entrepreneur husband, Jerry and, following his passing, her sons Chris (now deceased), Pat and Kevin, Joan Crowley was family royalty in every…
Achieve Measurable Quality Standards for Document Digitization with InoTec
The below has been translated and edited by The Crowley Company from a March 2021 interview with Postmaster Magazine* and re-posted with permission from InoTec GmbH. The Crowley Company has been a distributor of InoTec production-level document scanners since 1998 and has recently worked with the InoTec manufacturing team in Wölfersheim, Germany to achieve Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) three-star imaging ratings on the InoTec 4×3 and 6×1 scanner models. High-performance scanning systems now meet central standards for image…
Zeutschel 12002 Scanner Enhances Milton Public Library’s Local History Resources
Over the past 160 years, the Milton Public Library has evolved from a small mechanics’ institute which served 29 members to a bustling public library network which now serves one of the fastest-growing municipalities in Canada.¹ With the goal of empowering the 130,000+ residents to read, learn, create and connect, the Library staff is constantly developing new ways to better serve its flourishing municipality. Recently, these efforts have included a push toward digital access to valuable research information through digitization. Mark…
“If We Don’t Preserve It,
There’s No Other Resource”
The Rochester Museum & Science Center Ensures Local Black History Will Always Have a Voice Where to start? With the late Howard W. Coles, a Rochester, New York journalist, author, publisher, broadcaster, civil rights champion, real estate agent, insurance salesman, court attendant, public housing advocate and loving father? With his only daughter, Joan Coles Howard, who has furthered Coles’ legacy of community activism and ensured that his efforts have been protected, preserved and digitized to tell the story of six…
Christmas: A Tale of Two Censuses
A Once in a Lifetime Records Opportunity: Scanning the 1921 Census of England and Wales Regardless of how you celebrate the holidays, did it ever occur to you that the very first Christmas was driven by a records manager and a census (with a little divine inspiration)? While census records have changed a lot in the centuries since the birth of Jesus, the information is still critical and its absence can be devastating. Case in point: the 1921 England and…
Digitization Champions:
Recapping #AmericanArchivesMonth
As the crisp autumn air changes into a frosty winter breeze, I must accept that “spooky season” is over and with it ends Crowley’s daily #AmericanArchivesMonth social media shout-outs to archive clients using Crowley’s digitization products, services and support. For those that don’t follow Crowley online, now is the time to redeem yourself and follow @CrowleyScans on all platforms. While I begrudgingly exchange my ghosts, bats and witches for all things pumpkin, I’m comforted knowing that archives can still be…
Digitized Diaries Bring Arkansan Icon to Life
Oh, the lure of a diary. As an avid reader and writer, I’ve often tried to keep one. As a procrastinator and control freak, I don’t make it beyond a week. The commitment to a daily routine and the fear that my secrets (do I have any?) and frank admissions (too many!) would be misconstrued when I can no longer provide context…well, I just can’t. I’m grateful that not everyone feels the same or we would have little to no…
Making Moves: Pennsylvania State Archives Digitizes Collections, Preps for New Archive Space
Moving is a stressful proposition. It can be even more demanding when you’re tasked with moving a massive archival collection…in the middle of a pandemic…with looming deadlines. Talk about stress! No worries; the Pennsylvania State Archives team has been up to the task with a little help from The Crowley Company’s digitization services division. About six years ago, the Harrisburg-based State Archives began the design of a new building. The purpose of the new space was to allow for a…