Crowley makes it easy to be competitive through an excellent and expansive product line and conscientious staff and support

Jennifer Van Hart, ECMP, Vice President, Micrographics, Inc.

Become a Reseller

Crowley, Mekel, InoTec, ROWE, Zeutschel and More!

Made to Last. Sold Worldwide.

Crowley resellers are selected for their working knowledge of the analog and digital preservation industry. An intuitive understanding of the archival, records management and imaging needs of the organization in their territory is key to long-term success. Fill out the form below and join The Crowley Company’s reseller team today.

Manufactured in San Dimas, California, Crowley and Mekel Technology brand products are distributed worldwide and respected for their evolving technology, minimal maintenance requirements and high-quality output. Also distributed internationally are our Crowley aperture card and universal film scanners, which we manufacture in our Basingstoke, UK facility. A manufacturer since 2003, The Crowley Company has maintained and improved upon the traditions of excellence and value for which these brand names stand and have engineered several successful Crowley-brand scanners in recent years, with more to follow. Product lines include microfilm scanners, microfiche scanners, microform (multi-source) scanners, microfilm processing and microfilm duplicating equipment.

As a Crowley reseller, partners are also privy to deal select brands with which Crowley has grown strong relationships such as Avision, InoTec, ROWE, Zeutschel and more.*

*Brand availability dependent on territory.

Become A Reseller

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