With the ability to not only digitize the cards quickly on demand, directly distribute via e-mail or just send direct to scaled print, the scanner‘s powerful image processing tools have allowed the engineers to easily view and manage the drawings in digital form.

The Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight case study

Aperture Card Scanners

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Turn Aperture Cards into Easily Accessed Digital Images

Get a Quote on Aperture Card Scanners

The Crowley Company manufactures the Mekel Technology MACH7 and the Crowley C400 Advanced and UScan+ Advanced aperture card scanners which are designed to quickly and easily convert microfilm aperture cards to digital image data. Whether requirements dictate on-demand or batch scanning, hollerith punch code data recording or front card capture, Crowley has a solution for fast, efficient digitization. Read FAQs on digitization products and software.

Why Choose an Aperture Card Scanner?

Aperture card scanners are a must-have for organizations sitting on piles of old engineering drawings, technical blueprints, or any legacy data stored on aperture cards. These cards hold microfilm images of key documents, and to get them into a digital format, you need special scanners that can handle the job accurately and quickly. By turning these physical cards into high-quality digital files, businesses can keep their important info safe and easy to get to whenever they need it.

The Crowley Company’s High-Performance Card Scanners

At The Crowley Company, we’ve got some top-notch aperture card scanners made for fast, reliable conversion of large archives. Our scanners deliver great image quality—so even the tiniest details in drawings or schematics are captured perfectly. Converting aperture cards to digital not only slashes storage costs but also makes it easier to search through documents and helps businesses stick to today’s data management rules.

Our scanners come loaded with features like automatic card feeding, high-speed scanning, and image enhancement tech. They’re perfect for industries like manufacturing, engineering, and government archives. Plus, they blend smoothly into your current workflow—making the shift from physical to digital less of a headache.

For any organization aiming to preserve and update their document archives, grabbing a high-performance aperture card scanner from The Crowley Company just makes sense. We even offer support and customization options to match what each client needs, so the whole digitizing process is as smooth and affordable as possible.
