Need Government Contract Pricing?

Get a Quote on Digitization Products

Since its inception, The Crowley Company has partnered with contract holders to provide digitization hardware and services on several schedules including General Services Administration (GSA), the Government Publishing Office (GPO) and others.

Crowley’s access to government contract partners, paired with four decades of industry experience and a knowledgeable support team, gives purchasers the peace of mind to know their capture hardware can achieve the needed image quality and output while ensuring long scanner life.

Benefits of a Crowley scan system purchase include:
  • Seasoned experts knowledgeable in current and trending digitization practices and standards, including in-depth knowledge of FADGI standards and requirements
  • Technical support teams well-versed in government hardware and software needs and regulations
  • Access to Crowley’s digitization services division, which holds multiple GSA, GPO, DLA and NPS certifications and contracts
  • The only firm in the industry that both manufactures and utilizes leading production and patron microform scanners (Mekel Technology and Crowley), ensuring constant attention to product/production performance and the ability to create and add features as needed.

Contact a Crowley representative today
to learn more about contract pricing for:

Get in touch for more info and a quote on GSA Scanners and Products
