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MACH7380 Reference Archive Scanner Released to Market


Frederick, Md. – Christopher Crowley, owner and president of The Crowley Company, a world leader in digital and analog imaging systems and services, announces the market release of the MACH7380 Reference Archive Scanner. This new generation microfilm scanner is the successor to the discontinued Kodak i7300. The MACH7380 allows operators to quickly insert a 16mm microfilm cassette, enter a single or series of blip reference numbers and – within seconds – have a record or file appear digitally for viewing, saving to file, network, cloud, printing or any other number of advanced output options. The basic scanner operation can be viewed in this short video clip. The phrase “reference archive” refers to the fact that images from microfilm are legally considered to be trustworthy copies of originals which may no longer exist.

As Matt McCabe, vice president of sales and marketing and who was instrumental in the product development explains, “This type of scanner is widely-used in financial, healthcare, insurance, academic and institutional industries and also by government entities. When an organization or corporation has archive files on microfilm that has “blips” or reference numbers and requires access – to old insurance claims, pension statements or deeds for instance – the MACH7380 provides a bridge between the analog and the digital. For many of these organizations, it does not make financial sense for an entire back file conversion of their complete microfilm library. The MACH7380 gives users an affordable option for quick microfilm access to images and files which can then be saved and shared in today’s digital formats.”

Adds Crowley, “The MACH7380 is a bridge between a high-volume, production microfilm scanner and a low volume or walk-up scanner that does not allow for automatic searching – an important feature when you may be seeking three images out of 2,400.” He continues, “There are a thousand aging i7300 and other model reference scanners still in use, which speaks strongly to market demand. Unfortunately, the Windows XP platform on which many of these were built is no longer supported by Microsoft; ongoing maintenance and repair is becoming costly. The MACH7380 has been engineered to continually adapt to future operating system versions. It is also designed with a touchscreen interface that mirrors the tablets and screens to which today’s audience is used. The operation is simple, the finding aid is very responsive and the image quality and editing functions are excellent.”

McCabe notes that pre-sales of the MACH7380 by resellers around the world has been strong, indicating that this is the right time for the next-generation scanner. “One advantage of the advances in today’s technology,” says McCabe, “is that we’ve been able to keep the price of the new MACH7380 scanner in line with that of the original generation while offering much higher capability and platform adaptability for the future.”

The specification sheet for the MACH7380 is available here.


About The Crowley Company
The Crowley Company is a world-leader in digital and analog film technologies and provides an extensive number of digital document and film conversion services to the academic, publishing, commercial, government and archive sectors. The company manufactures, distributes and services high-speed microfilm, microfiche, aperture card, book and document scanners, microfilm duplicators, film processors and micrographics equipment. Manufactured brands include Mekel Technology, Wicks and Wilson, HF Processors and Extek Microsystems.

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