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Crowley Announces Strong Zeutschel zeta Sales; Award-Winning Copy/Scan System Fills Market Niche

red-dot-award-lgFrederick, Maryland – Matthew McCabe, vice president of business development for The Crowley Company, announces that the company has sold more than 75 Zeutschel zeta units throughout North America since its release in May. “This is unprecedented movement for the first year of any Zeutschel scanner that we’ve carried to date,” says McCabe. “The unit’s popularity is due to an affordable price point, multiple functions, ease-of-use and an intriguing desktop design.” McCabe continues, “This is the first unit that offers Zeutschel’s well-respected German engineering and high image quality for a non-archival purpose. The combination is tough to beat. As a copier, anyone can walk up and use it without instruction. As a planetary (overhead) scanner, the unit protects books, magazines and fragile papers, guarding against broken bindings and page damage and quickly pays for itself, even when not fitted with a pay-per-use option.”

Zeutschel zeta

Recognized with an international design award, the primary use of the zeta is within the academic, private and public libraries and government offices (ie: clerks of court, deed offices, etc). A walk-up touchscreen unit, the zeta copies and scans books and documents without damaging the materials. The proprietary Zeutschel software immediately corrects typical copier elements such as crooked pages, distorted letters in the book fold, toner inequities, etc. Once created, the digital copy/scan can be saved in a variety of formats and stored onto a USB stick, sent by e-mail, uploaded onto an FTP server or printed out using a connected printer.

The red dot design award

The international red dot design award is held in three disciplines: product design; communication design; and the design concept. This past year, a total of 288 winners were selected from more than 14,000 applications representing over 70 countries. The Zeutschel zeta was one of 60 product design winners in the Computer and Information Technology category. The red dot design emblem – the red dot – has established itself internationally as one of the most coveted seals of quality for outstanding designs.

About The Crowley Company

Zeutschel GmbH, based in Germany, has been a leading developer and manufacturer of devices, solutions and systems for document and archive management for more than 50 years. Zeutschel’s solutions and systems are used throughout the world by libraries, archives, universities, land registries, commercial enterprises and other institutions.

Watch the zeta in action on Crowley’s YouTube channel

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